Driven Strategic LLC prides itself on its flagship service, mission-focused management and leadership consulting for nonprofit and public organizations; parks & recreation departments and districts; park foundations & friends groups; youth-serving organizations; afterschool & out-of-school programs; camps; community centers; tourism, agritourism, and festival organizations; and other human & social services.
We also have extensive experience serving education foundations; community foundations; faith-based organizations; health, medical, and special needs-serving organizations; environmental, conservation, and outdoor-related organizations; arts organizations; public housing; neighborhood associations; professional associations, and educational & historical organizations.
Driven Strategic LLC is a proud consulting partner of the Indiana Youth Institute and the National Association of Park Foundations.
We specialize in the areas of:
Driven Strategic has a wealth of resources, knowledge, and associates who can customize consulting services and training to meet your organizations's needs.
Our proprietor and senior consultant, Dr. Schaumleffel, uses his vast network of highly-qualified, highly-educated, and highly-experienced colleagues to put the right team together to complete the client's project or solve the client's problem.
Driven Strategic's model for creating the right team of experts is a nimble, organic model of bringing in mostly doctorally-trained experts on a project-by-project, task-by-task basis. This model allows us to maintain a dynamic network of professionals and educators to:
• provide technical assistance
• provide educational opportunities for agency board members, professional staff, and program leaders; and
• develop, implement, and evaluate outcome-based programs to develop “best practices” through scientific research methods.
Consulting services range from full-service where we complete an entire project or provide a service for you to simply providing recommendations and advice. Consulting sessions can take a variety of formats and locations, including but not limited to organizational site visits, off-site meetings, phone calls, Skype meetings, e-mail and social media communication.
Driven Strategic can deliver services on-site at your agency, at regional training sites, and/or online through Web 2.0 technology.
Our team of innovative problem-solvers and experts hold Ph.D.'s and have scores of years of hands-on professional experience in their fields.
We work on your timeline. We work to help clarify your objectives and define what you are trying to achieve. We provide resources. We coach you as to the pros and cons of embarking on certain paths towards your mission, goals, and objectives.
We will listen, provide guidance, and bring clarity to your ideas that results in a clear, organized plan of action. We can function as a coach and advisor, or depending on the project goals we can function as adjunct staff for your organization.
Potential clients receive a complimentary 30-minute listening session before requiring payment, which can be conducted by Skype or phone.
If your organization is a park foundation serving a local government agency outside of Indiana, Driven Strategic LLC can consult with your organization through NAPF Consulting Services.
If your organization is not ready for consulting services at this time, consider our professional development online courses and webinars.
Our proprietor & senior consultant wrote "Cooperate." Learn how you can create mutually-beneficial strategic partnerships with colleges & universities!
Volunteer Program Auditing, Reflecting, & Action Planning!
Driven Strategic in action below consulting with the staffs of the South Central Community Action Program, Monroe County United Ministries, Girls Inc. of Monroe County, & the Bloomington Volunteer Network on volunteer program auditing and action planning in Bloomington, Indiana in Fall 2017.
If your youth-serving nonprofit is in Indiana, you may be eligible to receive a special rate through our partnership with the Indiana Youth Institute.
for nonprofit and public organizations;
parks & recreation; park
foundations & friends groups;
youth-serving organizations; and human & social services.
"Services provided during the re-enactment of 'The Battle of Sutherland's Hill' by Dr. Schaumleffel and his staff were very professional. Analyzed data collected during the re-enactment was available immediately and could be used for future event planning. Contact Dr. Schaumleffel for assistance if you want to make your park 's event the best it can be."
-A. Ross Leigh, Jr., Executive Director, Daviess County Parks & Recreation, Owensboro, Kentucky, and Past President of the Kentucky Recreation & Park Society
“Dr. Schaumleffel knows that the business of recreation services is complex and demanding at every level. For our project on budgeting, capacity building, and Board Development he helped analyze complex problems and find solutions in the best spirit of both teacher and business consultant. His knowledge, ready availability, attention to detail, and personal approach made working with his team a valuable experience. Punctual, prepared, well planned and presented, he is a great resource to our profession.”
-Randy Osborn, Executive Director, Boys & Girls Club of Carbondale, Carbondale, Illinois